The Tampa Grid Tampa

Tampa Police say increased manpower in Ybor leads to less violence

After the Halloween weekend shooting that left two people dead and 16 injured, Tampa Police increased patrols in Ybor. As a result, police say violence is down. Tampa Police has increased patrols in Ybor after a Halloween weekend shooting left two people dead and 16 injured, leading to a decrease in violent crime. The increase in patrols has been attributed to increased manpower resources and increased communication with business owners and residents. Tampa Police Major Eric DeFelice stated that violence is the primary concern for the department. The department is also working with other organizations to ensure people feel safe, including the "YES! Team" subcontracted by the city of Tampa. The team was initially intended to keep Ybor clean and has now evolved into a safety role to provide additional eyes and ears for Tampa Police.

Tampa Police say increased manpower in Ybor leads to less violence

ที่ตีพิมพ์ : 2 สัปดาห์ที่แล้ว โดย Shannon Clowe (WTSP) ใน

After the Halloween weekend shooting that left two people dead and 16 injured, Tampa Police increased patrols in Ybor. As a result, police say violence is down.

Since the Halloween weekend shooting that killed two people and injured 16 others, Tampa police have stepped up patrols in Ybor. As a result, Tampa police said they are seeing violent crime decrease in the area.

"You come here on a weekend, you’re going to see a lot of a lot of people just like me, ensuring the safety of everybody who comes down here," Tampa Police Major Eric DeFelice said.

"Violence is the No. 1 concern. So we feel like we have a handle on that with the additional manpower resources," DeFelice said.

"It has nothing to do with the restaurants. It’s just the kids kind of congregating around a situation where people are out and causing the problem," DiMaio stated.

Tampa police believe their constant presence will help keep violence down. As they patrol the streets, they make sure to talk to business owners and residents.

"We make a point of getting to know all the business owners and you know was shaking hands, walking and talking and hearing their concerns," Tampa Police Sergeant Curtis Williams said.

As the dayshift supervisor for Ybor City, Sergeant Williams explained the department is also working with other organizations to make sure people feel safe. That includes the "YES! Team" subcontracted by the city of Tampa. The city partnering with the Kentucky-based company was originally to keep the streets clean. After the shooting, that team transitioned more into a safety role to have extra eyes and ears on the streets for Tampa Police.

"We see the district daily. So we see changes when they happen and when they occur. We report it to the Tampa Police Department," Jason Stewart, Operations Manager for Block by Block Ybor City YES! Team said.

When a crime occurs, Tampa Police said they take it very seriously. Their goal is to make sure people get the message, it won't be tolerated.

"We have revisited the 'broken windows theory,' of addressing the things, and letting people know that we’re not going to tolerate even the smallest crime and that in turn prevents the bigger ones from occurring," DeFelice added.

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